Stop Loadsheding #PravinMustGoNow Petition: response to questions

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Stop Loadsheding #PravinMustGoNow Petition: response to questions

Stop Loadsheding #PravinMustGoNow Petition: response to questionsPravin Gordhan. Image credit: Netwerk24

Many people have asked questions about the petition launched by Black First Land First (BLF) on Monday 13 January to get 10 000 signatures towards telling Cyril Ramaphosa that it’s time for Pravin Gordhan to be released from his post as Minister. Here are some of the frequently asked questions and the corresponding responses

1. How do I sign the petition?

Click on the link and it will give you the steps to append your signature. It’s a matter of ultimately clicking on the “submit” tap to confirm. It’s a simple process.

2. What will happen to the petitions once the target of 10 000 signatures is met?

BLF shall hand deliver the results of the petition to Cyril Ramaphosa, to demand that he acts.

3. Will Ramaphosa act?

This depends on other related actions which we shall undertake to support the 10 000 signatures.

4. Why Pravin Gordhan?

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