Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Tell Your Government – Stop These Wars

This is a very interesting interview. ..the world is moving on from the British Hobbesein Imperial world view thanks to China, Russia and the BRICS

Source: Schiller Institute

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Tell Your Government – Stop These Wars

14 Oct 2024

Prof. Sachs: Well, I think everyone needs to tell your respective governments everywhere: make peace. These are wars. The war theorist von Clausewitz said when he wrote his magnum opus On War in the 1830s: “War is the continuation of politics by other means or with other means.” And so when you see war, think politics. When you look at the war in the Middle East, the politics there are that Israel has blocked a state of Palestine. And that’s the way to peace. When you think about the war in Ukraine, the politics is that the United States insisted that Ukraine be in the US military alliance, rather than a neutral country, which would have kept Ukraine safe, and which would make Ukraine safe now when that proper position is taken. So all of these fights can be resolved through sensible politics. And yet we’re in a war mongering era, and it’s extremely important that our governments hear from us. They’re not listening, they’re not asking our opinions, but we should give them our opinions. We want peace. We want solutions to this. We want to avoid this very dire and very real nuclear threat, above all. And so I want to thank you for what you’re doing and for also the discussion we’ve just had. And people everywhere should be working for peace.



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