Chinese Amb Xie Feng Rejects “zero-sum” Mentality of the West at 75th Anniversary

re posted from                      AFRICA AND THE WORLD

China rejects the diseased ideology of the West’s “rules-based order” with its demented doctrine that views the world as a zero-sum-game. Western nations led by the U.S., continue to dismiss China’s “win-win” policy of cooperation that benefits all participating nations. Despite some public comments by U.S. officials that the U.S. sees China as a competitor, the truth is, the Anglo-American establishment actually views China as a deadly adversary. The U.S. erroneously perceives China as a threatening hegemon to their crumbling “rules-based order.” In our irreversible multi-polar world, the Global South led by China is growing. The newly expanded BRICS represents thirty-seven percent of the world’s GDP compared to the G-7 share of thirty-one percent.

Chinese Amb Xie Feng Rejects “zero-sum” Mentality of the West at 75th Anniversary

Ambassador Xie Feng giving a toast to China-U.S. relations,

October 13, 2024

On Monday, Sptemebr30, I spent an enjoyable evening celebrating China’s 75th anniversary at their embassy in Washington DC. After listening to the remarks of Ambassador Xie Feng, Remarks by Amb Xie Feng at Chinese embassy, the standing room only crowd of 700-800 attendees listened to forty minutes of classical music, before being served delicious Chinese food. Last year as well, the formal program concluded with performances classical music. A delightful tradition, which I am not sure everyone appreciated, given the constant hum of conversations throughout the performances, but it was beautiful music to my ears.

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Chinese Amb Xie Feng Rejects “zero-sum” Mentality of the West at 75th Anniversary


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