Monthly Archives: October 2024

The Trial of Charles Onana

The Trial of Charles Onana

Will Rwandan History be Criminalized as Hate Speech?

This article is Part 4 of

Sun City : How the Anglo American Network Took Power in Rwanda and DRC using Tutsi Supremacists and Minority Rights

By PD Lawton                           27 October 2024

image: Cameroonian author, investigative journalist Read the rest

Floyd Shivambu on EFF, Jacob Zuma, State Capture, Julius Malema, MK Party, ‘GNU’, Ramaphosa, BRICS


Floyd Shivambu on EFF, Jacob Zuma, State Capture, Julius Malema, MK Party, ‘GNU’, Ramaphosa, BRICS


26 October 2024

In today’s episode, we are joined by the National Organiser of MK Party and former EFF Deputy President, Floyd Shivambu, as he unpacks his decision to leave the EFF for Read the rest

Agenda caché de Kagame: L’utilisation secrète des soldats rwandais pour déstabiliser la région

Source: Africa Flashes

La diplomatie militaire du Rwanda, sous la direction de Paul Kagame, s’est imposée comme un acteur majeur en Afrique, participant à de nombreuses missions de maintien de la paix et de contre-insurrection. Cette position permet au Rwanda de se présenter comme un fournisseur de sécurité pour les Read the rest

Russia attaches special importance to strengthening relations with Africa, Putin says

re posted from                           TASS

22 Oct, 13:57

Russia attaches special importance to strengthening relations with Africa, Putin says

Russia looks forward to receiving South Africa’s top diplomat at the first ministerial conference of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum to be held in Sochi on November 9-10, the Russian leader
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