There is a 3 part series written by PD Lawton on the invasion and occupation of the Democratic Republic of Congo by Paul Kagame`s Rwanda and Yoweri Museveni`s Uganda on behalf of the City of London corporate network. All 3 parts can be read by typing the titles into the Search bar.


Sun City

How the Anglo American Network Took Power in Rwanda and DRC
Using Tutsi Supremacists and Minority Rights

25 June 2024

Image: Sun City Peace Accord, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, NYC. Joseph Kabila, Thabo Mbeki, George Bush and Paul Kagame


The Smoke and Mirrors Game of War in Eastern Congo

“ Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things”–Isaac Newton
“And simple truth miscalled simplicity” – William Shakespeare

27 July 2024

image:Mungwalo, Djugu Territory, Ituri, 2 July 2024, massacre of 15 children, 10 women, 5 men. Collateral damage for gold, cobalt, coltan etc. 12 million (minimum estimate) Congolese murdered since 1996 in atrocities like this

The people behind the networks of corporate power blocks, the global supply chain from Congo`s minerals, namely cobalt, have written a play about rebel militias known by their various acronyms such as M23 and ADF, who wage war in eastern Congo. They want us to believe that it is a complex situation filled with numerous rebel groups all vying for Congolese minerals. This play has been running for nearly 30 years on the theatre of world`s media . It is time it ended.


UNHCR`s Concentration Camps in Goma :

the refugee pawns for Kagame`s war on Congo

11 August 2024

image: a mother and her children , Goma IDP camp August 2024. They have NOTHING

Refugees or Internally Displaced People ( IDPs), are an extremely valuable commodity for the monoliths of the Misery Industry that includes the associated NGO complex. Refugees are the bread and butter to feed the War Game, without them UNHCR could not survive.

“Those organizations have life only in conflict situations. UNHCR can never exist if there are no refugees. They have to do their best to find conflict and never accept to have peace by the risk of closing their doors. “ – Congolese source

In addition: PD Lawton interview with Matt Ehret

DRC Crisis and Ugly “Rwandan Genocide” Truths