Ethiopia’s China-Built Railway as a Model The Role of Infrastructure in Fighting Hunger, Moving Beyond Aid

re posted from                                       EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

This article appears in the November 6, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Ethiopia’s China-Built Railway as a Model
The Role of Infrastructure in Fighting Hunger, Moving Beyond Aid

[Print version of this article]

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Nuclear Energy in South Africa, and in Africa at Large

re posted from                    EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

This transcript appears in the September 18, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

[Print version of this transcript]

Dr. Kelvin Kemm

Nuclear Energy in South Africa, and in Africa at Large

This is the edited transcription of the opening remarks by Dr. Kemm to

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U.S. Special Forces Deploy Across the Continent of Africa

re posted from               AFRICA AND THE WORLD

U.S. Special Forces Deploy Across the Continent of Africa

U.S. Army Special Forces Operating in 22 Different Countries in Africa

August 17, 2020

The Mail & Guardian of South Africa has published an extensive report on the deployments and activities

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Europe’s anti-science plague descends on Africa

re posted from                                  European Scientist

Europe’s anti-science plague descends on Africa

Europe has been paralyzed by faddish, fact-free claims of activist NGOs pushing political agendas. It needs to wake up and see what happens when these anti-scientific doctrines descend on the African continent. The natural, organic world without pesticides or Read the rest

Hunger Stalks Africa: Nations Should be Food Self-Sufficient

Food self-sufficiency, which is a national security priority, in this age of out sized and exaggerated globalization, has worsened in the majority of African nations over the last several decades. Not only does this jeopardize the health and existence of society, but it drains nation’s foreign reserves with mega-food import Read the rest

Final Call: IMF and World Bank real culprits in Africa’s debt crisis

re posted from                                    Africa and the World

Final Call: IMF and World Bank real culprits in Africa’s debt crisis

Final Call: IMF and World Bank real culprits in Africa’s debt crisis

October 9, 2018

This article debunks the myth of China colonizing Africa through a “debt trap” policy. It also Read the rest

Africa Joins the Belt and Road

re posted from                                          EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

This article appears in the September 14, 2018 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Africa Joins the Belt and Road


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Xinhua/Pang Xinglei
Chinese President Xi Jinping and African leaders on their way to the opening ceremony of the
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Forum on China-Africa Cooperation: Win for Africa’s Development

re posted from                                   Africa and the World

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation: Win for Africa’s Development

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation: Win for Africa’s Development

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