Mozambique: President Nyusi Puts the Record Straight on Cabo Delgado Insurgents
by PD Lawton 29/01/20
“because we have noted that the enemy strategy is to put us in conflict with our people”
It was reported last November that a number of Russian mercenaries, along with a number of government soldiers, were killed in Mozambique whilst on deployment with the Mozambican army in the northern province of Cabo Delgado . They join a long list of both civilians and combatants to have died in the region in the past years.
Apparently the Mozambican government have enlisted the help of a Russian private security firm in order to finally bring peace and stability to the northern provinces where armed rebel groups have long been operating.
An agreement was signed in 2017 between the governments of Mozambique and Russia for technical and military cooperation.
The Russian mercenaries arrived last September at the northern port of Nacala.
Elements within the media are reporting that the insurgents are an off-shoot of ISIL and intend to make the province of Cabo Delgado an Islamic Caliphate .It is highly unlikely this is the case.
Insurgency keeps a region or country destabilized which makes development very difficult. For African governments it is Catch 22. Dis-affected, unemployed youth with no hope for a future tend to join radical movements . Development brings employment and a bright future but development can`t happen when conditions are unstable. It is a difficult situation for any government. Which is why it is an enemy stategy.
Historically Mozambique was divided during the brutal and lengthy civil war which began in the mid 1970`s and ended in 1992, leaving 1 million dead and a nation traumatized by the brutality of the conflict.. The civil war was sustained by the backing of Renamo by the apartheid government of neighbouring South Africa. Renamo long remained a hindrence to unity and development in the northern districts under the leadership of Alfonso Dhlakama. Despite signing a peace accord in 1992 and becoming an opposition political party, Renamo remained an armed movement. [1]
After the death of Alfonso Dhlakama in May 2018, Ossufo Momade assumed the party`s leadership and last year , July 2019, signed a new peace accord with the government to end hostilities.
President Nyusi said of the peace agreement : “The agreement that we will sign marks the official end of the conflict between Renamo armed men and the defence and security forces, and allow for the long-lasting peace that all Mozambicans have so longed for.”
The government has offered clemency to all the 5000 Renamo soldiers who will now be integrated into the Mozambican police and armed forces.
President Nyusi has actively engaged the nation in speeches he has made to dispel malicious rumours that Mozambican forces are committing atrocities on the local populations of Cabo Delgado and Nampula.
He said it makes no sense that Mozambicans employed in the national forces would be dying themselves in combat defending the public , and then “to attack our own people, the people whom we have been defending”.
One of the most treasonous tactics used by the rebel groups has been to wear the uniforms of FADM ( Mozambique Defence Armed Forces) in order to further terrorize the local population into thinking that their own government is perpetrating the violence.
In terms of development, the government is fully committed to the Belt and Road Initiative. Already the north-bound national highway, the EN1, has been upgraded which makes travelling from the capital, Maputo, up north quicker. There are new bridges and roads being built across the country and countless other manifestations of meaningful development. Integral to this is bringing development and investment to the hitherto neglected northern provinces.
Nacala Port, the deepest natural port in East Africa, will be enlarged with maritime access to landlocked neighbouring Malawi and Zambia in mind, the development of the north will positively affect more than just Mozambique. This is the spirit of the BRI and of course what the enemies of development fear the most, hence the resurgence of rebel groups whose handlers have always used the strategy of destabilization in order to divide and rule over an under- developed Africa.
[1] The same tactic of destabilization was used in Angola, also a former colony of Portugal. Apartheid South Africa backed Joseph Savimbi`s UNITA. The destabilization of Angola has been documented by John Stockwell in his book `In Search of Enemies`. John Stockwell became a CIA whistleblower. He received his instructions as a CIA Task Force Officer to destabilize Angola ( mid 1970`s) from Henry Kissinger who was then the National Security Advisor. What the highly courageous John Stockwell did not know was that Henry Kissinger is a proponent of the City of London`s malthusian economic policy.