Category Archives: Transaqua

Larry Freeman: Stories from Africa – East to West

Lawrence Freeman, political – economic analyst for Africa, in conversation with The New African Paradigm

Source: The New African Paradigm

Larry Freeman: Stories from Africa – East to West

29 June 2021

is an outspoken opponent of the current policies of neo-colonialism. He is … Read the rest

Acheikh Ibn-Oumar – Revitalizing Lake Chad, a great challenge for the BRICS

Transaqua : putting the continent of Africa into a new paradigm

Source: Schiller Institute

Acheikh Ibn-Oumar – Revitalizing Lake Chad, a great challenge for the BRICS

23 June 2015

Acheikh Ibn-Oumar, former Foreign Minister of Chad, Reims. REBUILDING THE WORLD IN THE BRICS ERA International Conference of the Schiller Institute
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Acheikh Ibn Oumar : Réalimenter en eau le lac Tchad

re posted from                   AFRIQUE DU FUTUR

Acheikh Ibn Oumar : Réalimenter en eau le lac Tchad

Acheikh Ibn Oumar a été nommé ce 2 mai 2021 dans le gouvernement de transition que dirige Pahimi Padacké Albert en tant que ministre d’Etat chargé de la Réconciliation Nationale et du Dialogue.

Nous … Read the rest

TRANSAQUA IS BACK ! Love Africa: Love Transaqua

incredibly welcome news, the Transaqua Plan for the Replenishment of Lake Chad is about transforming the economies of the 12 riparian states, about transforming the interior of Africa and supplying water, electricity, high skilled jobs,  trade and transport, regional connectivity and so much more!. It will be the largest engineering … Read the rest

Prime Logue/Media Interviews Lawrence Freeman in Addis Ababa: “Without the Elimination of Poverty, There Will Be No Democracy in Africa”

The leadership of the U.S. does not understand, or want to understand, that the key to  supporting Africa is development.”   

re posted from                        AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Prime Logue/Media Interviews Lawrence Freeman in Addis Ababa: “Without the Elimination of Poverty, There Will Be No Democracy in Africa”

May 10, … Read the rest

RTF Dialogues with Lawrence Freeman: Transaqua, the New Silk Road and a New Vision for Africa

an unmissable interview rich in insights

Source: Rising Tide Foundation

RTF Dialogues with Lawrence Freeman: Transaqua, the New Silk Road and a New Vision for Africa

10 April 2021

In this episode of RTF Dialogues, Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung talk with international Africa expert Lawrence Freeman on the rise
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Nigerian President Buhari Exposes Renewed Nigerian Destabilization Efforts

re posted from                EIR DAILY ALERT SERVICE

Nigerian President Buhari Exposes Renewed Nigerian Destabilization Efforts

Dec. 28 (EIRNS)—International elements are again looking at Nigeria—Africa’s most populous country, with one of the most advanced and ambitious Chinese-built standard gauge (SGR) rail networks and also the leading member of the vital Transaqua … Read the rest

Italy’s Prodi Puts Transaqua Back on the International Agenda

re posted from                          EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW

This article appears in the December 4, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

II. Africa: Development Before Debt


Italy’s Prodi Puts Transaqua
Back on the International Agenda

[Print version of this article]

CC/Francesco Pierantoni
Romano Prodi, former
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Transaqua Garners Support From Former Italian Prime Minister, Romano Prodi.

re posted from                        AFRICA AND THE WORLD

Transaqua Garners Support From Former Italian Prime Minister, Romano Prodi.

November 19. 2020

Support for Transaqua, a transformative mega infrastructure water project for Africa, continues to grow as reported below by Transaqua envisions transferring 50-100 billion of cubic meters of water yearly Read the rest