Burundi – 2016- a Year of Treachery and Subversion for Pres. Nkurunziza

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re posted from           Great Lakes Post


Year 2016 in Burundi, a year of plot has all levels: The treachery, the conflicts, the campaigns of demonising the burundi were a reality in 2016.

Step by step, I’m trying to understand how each of you the revelations that we have various dives in questions on these conspiracies against Burundi.
The main actor who has managed to galvanize international opinion in their various manipulations are called maggy barankitse and Louis Michel who were able to lead the international community in catastrophic errors on burundi.

By discounts prices to the oreante, small groups of opponents were able to move forward and create rebel groups. This is why I intend to use a few references of the year 2016 in order to understand why the people of burundi is still standing, his only pride concerns that this small country of Central Africa has had the chance to resist and the one who believes In God is not wrong to say thank you my protector for this whole year 2016.

Before diving in the analysis of major events on Burundi, a lot of acharnements backstage, a lot of surveys in secret to find loopholes in bujumbura.
The Chronology of difficulties on burundi in 2016.

→ On 6 January 2016, the ombudsman in the burundian conflict yoweri museveni sets a next appointment in kampala for the inter-Burundi dialogue. This appointment at the beginning of the month of January didn’t work out so well because the presence of the cnared who is contesting the election of Pierre Nkurunziza in 2015 is not a good start. How can we sit together with someone who’ll disown you? Did he carry more weight than you to impose itself? The cnared and the sindumuja have understood the trap. The month of February 2016 shows their anger, their nuisance. A Daily Theatre of victims by grenades and gunfire everywhere in bujumbura in the areas against musaga, ngagara, nyakabiga, jabe, cibitoke, mutakura. Despite that the international community believes in the return of peace in burundi.
→ On 22 February 2016, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon visit burundi and finds that the rumors of a genocide since November 2015 in bujumbura after the attack military camps have no Foundation finally. Happy Tutsis in bujumbura, hutus happy sets came the applaud.
→ From 24 to 25 February 2016, a high-level delegation of the African union consisting of presidents of Senegal, Gabon, Mauritania, South Africa and the prime minister of Ethiopia , this would not be possible if they did not regard the President Pierre Nkurunziza with the respect of a legitimate president who discusses with them at the same title in contrast to the madness of the radical opposition who latches on always to know this truth irrevocable yet the other heads Of African states came the say openly that day and since that day it’s the failure of the radicals opponents who do not believe in the people’s choice ever in a democratic election..
Despite this fact, the arrogance of radical opponents has continued in the design of the leaders of the European Union, because on 14 March 2016, the u e has officially suspended its direct aid to the government of Burundi. Despite the multiple decisions, Brussels has decided to maintain in full its financial support to the people and its humanitarian aid in seeking to keep a little bit of influence in burundi. Despite the madness of some people, other repented and a few rebels made a revelation on their actions microlipoinjection forces of order. These are the assassins of the 3 Italian sisters, the fire of T 2000, the mass graves at mutakura, burning all the folders where the police being in the wall of the accusations of radical opponents is no longer called into question because in These mea culpa rebels repented, politicians whose sindumuja and the cnared the would have misled by manipulation or the money of the aid of international organizations.
→ On 1 April 2016, a resolution of the security Council 2279 decides the shipment in burundi of several hundreds of United Nations police officers, Burundi can accept some twenty policemen disarmed according to the spokesman of the government Philippe Nzobonariba. In his statement of 13 April 2016.
→ On 21 April 2016, the inter-Burundi talks resume in arusha under the new facilitator Benjamin mkapa designated by the heads of state of the eac. The members of the cnared guests individually if present while the platform threat to hunt those who dare to get there. A decision void of cnared radical
→ On May 18, 2016, Dr. Jean Minani who just impeach nyangoma Leonard of the presidency of the cnared monte at the niche by accusing Pierre Nkurunziza Supreme Head of the burundian army that a Republican Army must put him out of power. In this language diabolisant power in Burundi, minani falls in the same logic of Marguerite Barankitse and Louis Michel
→ On 21 may 2016 at the basilica at the father Marc Leroy in the hope that the opposition radicale galvanizes international opinion, Maggy is rewarded by various discounts prices. It’s a strategy without doubt to finance the burundian radical opposition through prices. Press conferences have multiplied in the hope of convincing the westerners in the hope of suffocate the burundian economy without forgetting the freezing of the salary of the military in peace mission in Africa (Somalia, Central African Republic)
Among the speakers the most determined, Louis Michel who is not a burundian national encourages the revolts in political discussions until even wanting to influence the revolt of the military who will no longer pay in Somalia. Marguerite Barankitse encouraged by Louis Michel and the awards he looking for in the world thinks he’s like the angel Gabriel opponents of burundian radicals. She brags often I quote, ” I’m going to join my brothers refugees in Rwanda to celebrate Christmas with them. I’m angry but full of hope, I know I’m interrupting the power. As a reminder, please be aware that Marguerite Barankitse was coerced to leave his country burundi following an arrest warrant, which would have been filed against her, accused of having helped the burundian military coup in may 2015.
As for Louis Michel, he praised maggy since this case and taking advantage of premiums and applause in 2016, Maggy has galvanized the revolts and violent opponents. By These 35 many international awards and honours since 1998, by honorary doctorate students of catholic universities, of lille in 2011, Louvain-LA-Neuve in 2004, Duke University in 2013, Hands of President Nkurunziza Pierre she fight with hatred in 2013, well on 24 April 2016, she was the first recipient of the aurora prize for awakening humanity to everan in Armenia on the genocide.
→ On 23 June 2016, always maggy the pillar of the radical opposition has received an International Award Jean Rey to helecine towards jodoigne, in Belgium for a lesson of humanity, a life lesson, a lesson in humility according to Louis Michel His Protector. These aids to maggy have been able to strengthen the recalcitrant exiles in exile against Burundi who no longer want to go elsewhere.
On 23 June 2016 with an amount of 25.000 euros to which we must add the fundraising from the raffle of this gala evening, students of the same ethnic tutsi were able to continue the studies in Rwanda and Other scholarships in France and the hutus who fled have they had the same luck with the studies? There are still others who have not yet the chance to come in the universities in louvain-LA-Neuve.
Why I linger on these awards to maggy? It is by the fact that this isn’t helping that the blinding volkstum of sindumuja and corruption within the cnared. Besides when she had the international prize Jean Rey 2016 out of the hands of his royal highness, princess lea of Belgium, Maggy was applauded by all the participants and by thanks endormants maggy to sedate the spirits said and I quote ” tonight I’d like you to have this heart of child (a heart of child in burundi means heart naive) I’m gonna call you by mom, dad. My dear sister, mom addressing the princess lea. Dear Dad Louis Michel this is how much the manipulations were able to play a game fatal in 2016 if everyone was telling the truth on Burundi, sanctions multiple burundian tie would never have happened.
→ I don’t know if I finish without you tired dear readers who follow carefully these events in 2016 on burundi.
Without getting into detail this time.
On 20 July 2016, a devastating report of the national and international organizations of the rights of man accuses the burundi genocide crawling.
→ On 26 July 2016, the cndd-fdd tackles the organs of the rights of man whose human rights, watch, fidh, iteka, amnesty international agencies who remain friends from Rwanda, Louis Michel, Of Maggy, Pierre Buyoya, Bernard Maingain Devil’s advocate, Pacific Nininahazwe, vital nshimirimana, Pierre Claver Mbonimpa etc. A big family who radicalised and advance the theses of genocide in burundi while preparing a armed opposition.
→ On 28 July 2016, the security council of the united nations adopts another resolution, the sending of 228 United Nations police officers, a proposal made by France.
Burundi accuses the interference of France and demonstrations are beginning to bujumbura in front of the embassy of France and westerners.
→ On 20 September, a survey of the three United Nations experts conducted from 15 April to 30 June 2016 is published accusing the government of burundi and its agents of serious violations and preparations for genocide.
→ On 12 October 2016, the wrath of the government of burundi gives reason to the National Assembly who adopts the withdrawal of the country of the m.i.c, the 3 experts are declared persona non grata in burundi.
→ In November 2016, the radical opposition gives herself an appointment at the hague before the m.i.c to influence the decision to carry out an investigation on burundi and be able to accuse the government of genocide. Master Bernard maingain participates in these events and everyone can imagine if he’s finally in the burundian opposition in exile while he is Belgian lawyer.
→ The entire month of November 2016, a big announcement inflamed the media on the will of the u. E no longer to transit the salaries of burundian soldiers engaged in amisom by the coffers of the state.
The Government of Burundi reveals that not only the u. E lied on its commitments to the peace missions in Africa, but also that Burundi’s gonna file a complaint or risk to withdraw its military in peace mission in Africa.
→ On 28 November 2016 prior to the visit to bujumbura of the facilitator mkapa, individuals tend a trap the convoy carrying the spokesperson of the presidency willy nyamitwe returning home.
→ On 9 December 2016 after the visit of the facilitator in bujumbura, he said that the mandate of Pierre Nkurunziza’s legal and legitimate and that those who question this reality become crazy.
The cnared repudiate the accusing her of bias and request another mediator but meanwhile the former president ntibantunganya sylvestre opts to go home when leaving the direction of cnared of Brussels. Other members of the steering committee of the cnared create an asbl approved in the Belgian by becoming apolitical and it risks undermining the war effort of the recalcitrant blinded by the return to a civil war in 2017 in burundi. In the meantime also frodebu starts to act contrary to the decision of the president of cnared minani advocating the disobedience to the facilitator of the inter-burundian dialogue and this may complicate the cohesion of these radical opponents.
In conclusion to the end of the year 2016, the President Pastor Nkurunziza Pierre that I had compared to job of the old testament diffuses a message he had in his revelations. A fire of God who will purify the burundi in 2017. and the missionaries will understand without a doubt that this is not a violent fire that consumes the human species. The truth goes in the fire without being consumed by him. Our ancestors did not have people who say the opposite of this truth. By the fire of God may be according to the prophetic message of nkurunziza, the fire of God will disarm those who dream the war and all the sons or daughters burundians are gonna be home at the barn despite the madness of some when westerners will probably give up, Not having the demands of a just cause in 2017. Wait end ees.

Niyongabo Philippe
Independent Journalist.

Source: http://glpost.com/year-2016-in-burundi-a-year-of-plot-has-all-levels-the-treachery-the-conflicts-the-campaigns-of-demonising-the-burundi-were-a-reality-in-2016/

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