African Leaders Call For Resolution of Violence in DRC
produced for GLN
by PD Lawton
A high level meeting of African government leadership was held on 19 October 2017 to investigate the neutralization of illegal armed groups in the eastern DRC. The meeting was held in Congo Brazzaville/ Republic of Congo and chaired by President Denis Sassou Nguesso. It was the Eighth High Level Meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism of Peace, Security and Cooperation (PSC) Framework for the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The United Nations report on the meeting, all quotes in this article from the report:
Among the decisions reached was for MONUSCO Force Intervention Brigade to be strengthened ; and for the completion of repatriation of all disarmed former combatants currently held in transit camps in the DRC.
Resolution of the violence in eastern Congo is far more than prescient as people are being murdered on a weekly basis, in fact the citizens of eastern Congo are being killed like flies.But what this meeting highlighted was the sham of international diplomacy and the complete farce of human rights in the DRC.
Those who see themselves as the victors of Congo`s history present a false narrative and false identity of the violent theatre of today`s DRC.
The United Nations report on this meeting :
“Condemned the continued activities of negative forces in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, including most recently the attack by the Mai-Mai Yakutumba against Uvira, South Kivu, and deplored their negative impact on the civilian population and stability of the region. Reiterated their resolve and commitment towards the total eradication of these negative forces from the region. Welcomed the continued cooperation between the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) and MONUSCO Force against the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), and other armed groups, and encouraged them to expedite actions in this regard.”
The recent event they refer to involving the Mai-Mai and General Yakutumba occurred as follows according to eyewitness reports from Uvira:
It is reported from people in Uvira that there is violence today between Mai-Mai and government troops backed by MONUSCO.This has taken place in suburbs of Uvira which is 125km from Bukavu, capital city of South Kivu.We have been informed that since yesterday the people`s army (Mai-Mai) have been engaged with FARDC ( DRC government forces) who are backed up by MONUSCO, UN peacekeeping forces.Heavy combat is taking place right now in Kalundu Port of Lake Tanganyika which is about 15km from Burundi.The amazing side of the story is that government forces (FARDC) are fleeing in direction of Bakavu. It is now MONUSCO troops fighting with the people`s army (Mai Mai). It is also being reported that MONUSCO is obstructing civilians trying to flee the violence.The question is are MONUSCO defending Kabila or is it there to serve the population? At this point people are confused as to what the UN peacekeeping mission has as its designated role! The border with Burundi is closed and the road to Bakavu is closed to civilians but MONUSCO are allowing FARDC to run away.
Source: africanagenda 28 September 2017 article by Raphael Bahebwa Kabambire
To civilians living in South Kivu, the Mai-Mai are the People`s Army and exist to protect them from both FARDC and militia groups such as the FDLR and ADF. General Yakutumba who is the Mai-Mai leader defected in 2007 from FARDC in disgust because of civilian atrocities committed by them. Various Mai-Mai groups have formed across eastern Congo for the purposes of self-defense as the MONUSCO presence has proved itself for many years to be entirely ineffectual in defending civilians from violence. Many accuse MONUSCO of colluding with the negative forces. The People`s National Coalition for the Sovereignty of the Congo ( CNPSC) is the umbrella movement of all Mai-Mai civil defense groups and is headed by Comrade General William Yakutumba. This man is considered by most Congolese to be a well respected and extremely brave superior officer who is protecting the civilian population. The UN report denounce him and the Mai-Mai as being a negative force and cause of regional instability and violence.The UN have directly targetted the CNPSC of General Yakatumba.
In eastern Congo MONUSCO is regarded as a force of occupation. In the 20 years of its presence in the Congo, with a budget of at least $ 1 billion annually and 17,000 peacekeepers MONUSCO have facilitated the genocide of millions of Congolese while a once peaceful region has been allowed to decend into a living hell.The massacre of innocent civilians in Beni and the other massacres that have taken place throughout the DRC have all occurred under the blind eye of the blue helmets.When it comes to the Congo, the impartiality of the United Nations has been questionable since President Patrice Lumumba first experienced their treachery.
The UN report “welcomed the continued cooperation between FARDC and MONUSCO against the ADF and FDLR…”
In fact FARDC,MONUSCO,ADF and FDLR can be seen to constitute a single entity.This entity is the actual cause of violence and the terrorization of the region`s population.Each one of these represents negative foreign intervention.MONUSCO`s role is to over-see this theatre of war whereby Congo`s neighbours destabilize eastern Congo while the media present a narrative of the `good guys fighting off the bad guys`.MONUSCO allows for the media to report that the international community is doing its best to resolve violence in the DRC when in fact they are facilitating its existence.
Since the assassination of President Laurent Kabila in 2001 the armed forces of the DRC have been changed into the armed forces of Rwanda`s Tutsi elite.FARDC deployments in eastern Congo are not protecting the civilian population but facilitating violence against and actively engaged against local communities. Rwandan officers have replaced Congolese officers of rank. Congolese officers that remain are pro-Rwandan-Tutsi and pro Joseph Kabila. Morale and payment remain low priority of this undisciplined and foreign-led so-called national force.Joseph Kabila is not the son of Laurent Kabila, his real name is Hippolyte Kanambe.
As part of the 2002 Sun City peace agreements the armed forces of rebel militias were integrated into FARDC and the various warlord bosses were incorporated into the government to form a government of a coalition of crooks and psychpaths and an armed forces containing psychotic elements of soldiers who had been trained in techniques of terrorizing civilian populations. The Sun City Agreement resulted in the incorporation of Ugandan and Rwandan warlords and their militias into the official Congo State.
The role of the FDLR and ADF are to justify military occupation of the region.They conduct a low intensity war that has a multifaceted purpose, one of which is depopulation of the Kivus and the continued destabilization of the region while the process of balkanization takes hold. For both the FDLR and ADF there is a case of two identities. One identity is the genuine and original and the second identity is a fabricated military force assuming the identity of the original. The real FDLR have no fight with the Congolese, they are the remnants of the Rwandan armed forces of Juvenal Habyarimana`s Rwanda. They are neither genocidaires nor terrorists in the Congo but have existed these past 24 years as resistance to the occupation of Rwanda by Paul Kagame and the RPF Tutsi elite. The real FDLR have been hunted down and killed along with their families like rats in the bush by FARDC and MONUSCO. Their welfare in transit camps beggars belief and leaves them without human rights.And yet this UN report has the audacity to recommend:
“Ensure that the situation of women and children in the FDLR transit camps in eastern DRC be addressed as a matter of urgency, including through encouraging UNHCR, UNICEF and other humanitarian actors to explore measures aimed at expediting their repatriation to Rwanda; “
The real FDLR have always strongly condemned any violence against civilians. Logically it does not make sense why they would attack Congolese civilians when their issue is with Paul Kagame and the RPF.
And yet this UN report states that they must be repatriated:
“Complete the repatriation without pre-conditions of the FDLR disarmed combatants that are in the DRC transit camps of Kanyabayonga, Kisangani and Walungu”
If the real FDLR and their families are repatriated to Kagame`s Rwanda they will be killed. There is no reassurance that can be given to them while Paul Kagame remains in power.
The fictional FDLR are Rwandans from Paul Kagame himself.
The ADF have a similar story, a genuine element that originally formed to resist the presidency of Yoweri Museveni and a counterfeit identity created by Museveni himself.The capitalist interests in eastern Congo are the control of mines and the land theft of mineral rich areas from the indigineous people. Chaos and destabilization benefit the capitalist interests. Even Tanzania and South Africa have a vested interest in removing or exterminating the indigenous people of the region.The UN report came to the perfect conclusion for the benefit of the capitalist interests as oppose to the interests of the Congolese nation:
“Recommend the strengthening of MONUSCO’s Force Intervention Brigade with a view to adapting it to the new challenges in the fight against the negative forces operating in eastern DRC, so as to maintain military pressure and enhance operations against these armed groups, including in particular the ADF, FDLR, Kamuina Nsapu and other armed and terrorist groups that continue to destabilize the DRC;”
This past year in the Great Lakes region has seen a vast increase in refugees. As this UN report states there are now more than 7 million internally displaced people and 3.5 million refugees in the Great Lakes region.Those figures show for more than 10 million people it is a world of chaos and trauma. It is estimated that between 8 – 11 million Congolese have died as a direct result of violence since the First Congo War of 1996. They continue to die to this day. Hundreds of thousands of Congolese live in exile, hundreds of thousands of them live as refugees in African countries in conditions that are deplorable. As far as the Congolese State is concerned these people have no human rights.
For this UN report to commend President Yoweri Museveni on his negotiations between the SPLM and the government of South Sudan is blasphemy of the word peace.
“Commended H.E. Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda, for hosting meetings between different factions of the SPLM with a view to reuniting them and encouraged the various factions to participate in the process in good faith in order to create an environment conducive for the full implementation of the Peace Agreement.”
Museveni has been the conduit for all the hell in the Great Lakes and South Sudan. Museveni has hosted, trained and financed an array of terrorist organizations on behalf of his international capitalist backers in Westminster and Washington. Museveni has terrorized and tried to exterminate Ugandans in northern Uganda with another fake terrorist outfit, the Lords Resistance Army, which is again a state funded organization that assumed the identity of the original LRA that was created to protect the northern Ugandans from Museveni. Museveni facillitated the RPF coup and subsequent genocide in Rwanda, 1994. Kagame has since massacred millions of Rwandans and Congolese.Museveni has conducted a reign of terror in Congo.Museveni financed, hosted and trained the SPLA that was then used to balkanize the oil rich Sudan and the massacre of millions of Sudanese. What can such a man know about peace?When the participants of this Eighth High Level Meeting on peace and stability in the DRC talk about bringing to account those responsible for crimes against humanity they do not talk about Joseph Kabila, Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni, all of whom participate in the orchestration of hell in the Great Lakes on behalf of the capitalist interests of the Western world.
31 October 2017