re posted from JOHN WATERS UNCHAINED Substack
The Voice of the Dead Unburied: An Interview with John O’Looney
‘Sometime I’ve sat there and I’ve thought, “Have I just prolonged everyone’s suffering?” — ‘cos these people seem hell-bent on killing us off. But I just couldn’t ignore it.’
Oct 06, 2024
‘It’s a Biblical crime. History will tell the story and I’ll be on the right side of history, win or lose. I won’t be complicit in the murder of people.’
Imagine the impossible scenario whereby the political establishments of the world acquiesced in a demand by secret and unelected forces beyond their shores that they suspend the rights and freedoms of their people and subject them to an elongated soft martial law on the sole basis of an entirely baseless assertion concerning a ‘deadly virus’ that was about to wipe out millions of people. This initiative, though unlawful in every respect, has the support of all but the occasional functionary of the infrastructure of all these countries, including health services judiciaries, practitioners of ‘The Science’, media, police and all the main churches. Within a short time of the launch of this initiative it becomes clear to anyone who has avoided the attendant brainwashing that the deadly virus is a crock, which is to say they it is at most a relatively harmless bug posing no risk to anyone under average life expectancy, and highly treatable for anyone over it.
continue reading HERE: Source:
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