The End of History Delusion: Partying Like it’s 1992

re posted from                                MATT EHRET SUBSTACK

The End of History Delusion: Partying Like it’s 1992

“The future ain’t what it used to be.” — Yogi Berra

As nations look toward the future with mixture of hope and trepidation, it is worth asking: how did this dangerous theater of the absurd arise? Has the USA always exhibited such delusions, and if it was once truly a beacon of hope and temple of liberty, can it yet be brought back to its saner traditions in order to avert disaster?

Talk of nuclear Armageddon has become commonplace, and it appears that no effort to heal the divide between east and west is considered by any of the neo-liberal politicians occupying positions of authority.

What is going on? Has the world gone insane?

Why have leading figures of the “free and democratic” west become so blind to even their own strategic interests to the point that they would voluntarily risk spreading thermonuclear fire across the globe rather than end the policy of “global NATO” and international unipolarism?

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