Rwanda Invades DRC on behalf of the Corporate Critical Minerals Supply Chains

Rwanda Invades( officially) DRC on behalf of the Corporate Critical Minerals Supply Chains

by PD Lawton    27 January 2025

Warning: article contains 1 graphic image of M23 perpetrated terrorism


Rwanda officially invaded Congolese territory on 26 January 2025. They crossed sectors 12 and 13 of the Congolese border adjacent to Goma which is the capital city of North Kivu Province in eastern Congo. The DRC Minister of International Co-Operation and Foreign Affairs, Thérèse Kayikwamba Wagner,has  made a powerful speech at the UN Security Council in which she denounced Rwanda`s invasion.

At the  UNSC press conference she stated the following:

“The withdrawal of MONUSCO was sequential and it was not a mistake. In the areas where MONUSCU have withdrawn we have seen sustained peace, we have seen progress and we have seen stability . The challenge that we have right now is in areas where MONUSCO are still present so this has nothing to do with [the lack of] MONUSCO`s presence. It has to with the fact a neighboring country, Rwanda, has been permitted by the international community , by its donors, by its partners to wreak havoc in the DRC, in particular, in North Kivu, even in the presence of United Nations peace keeping troops with a robust, one of the most robust mandates of the United Nations. What I say to troop contributing countries is very important because Rwanda is one of the UNs largest troop contributing countries, this crisis is not a DRC specific crisis. This should compel all troop contributing countries to engage in conversations with the UN , with DPKO( UN Department of Peace Keeping Operations) about what it means to be a contributing country. How is it permissible that a contributing country, one of the largest troop contributing countries gets away with killing peacekeepers as peacekeepers from South Africa, from Malawi, from Uruguay were killed in less than 24 hours. This is unacceptable. It is a violation of all the principles of the United Nations. And I think that every self-respecting troop contributing country such as South Africa have also a responsibility but also a right to an answer from the United Nations as to what standards it applies when it engages in partnerships and how it holds partners accountable to respect international law. ”

What the Minister is bringing into question is the role of MONUSCO in maintaining the status quo of war in eastern Congo which has long since been in question and the reason that President Tshisekedi has asked them to withdraw from DRC.

Rwanda is the proxy army of the international supply chains of cobalt and coltan who have a vested interest in maintaining a state of destabilization in DRC which maintains utopian level deregulation for the corporations who are using M23 to extract Congolese minerals and transport them to international markets via Rwanda from where they are illicitly traded or traded through the Rwandan economy.

Those same vested interests are the people who organized the genocide in Rwanda in 1994.

The situation currently as of Monday 27 January is that Rwanda has officially crossed onto DRC territory. Rwanda have in fact never left DRC since 1997 when under Laurent Kabila, the joint forces of Rwanda and Uganda invaded under the AFDL. Since then both countries but mainly Rwanda have trained, supplied and re-enforced the destabilizing terrorist movement known by its current acronym of M23. Prior to M23 it was called CNDP. It is now rebranding itself as AFC which is based in Kenya.

Rwandan (official) forces that are now in North Kivu are accompanied by Kenyan military forces, Ugandan military forces and Somalian mercenaries.

In Goma  FARDC are fighting a losing battle against these forces and those of M23. FARDC has surrendered/lost in parts of the region however Goma has large numbers of Wazalendo fighters who cannot lay down their arms because if they do so they will be tortured, incinerated, murdered by M23 and Rwanda. In Minova last week M23 tortured and burned alive at least 86 fighters who were protecting Kalehe and Minova districts.

The Wazalendo are the patriot army, citizen forces who are comprised of villagers that will no longer contend with the deliberate ineptitude of MONUSCO or the inability of FARDC to protect its vast territory. The Wazalendo are both men, women and young people. They operate in North Kivu as the Wazalendo. In South Kivu they are known as Mai-Mai.

Rwandan Intelligence is expert at psychological warfare. When M23 commit the extreme acts of brutality that they are known by 110 million Congolese to be responsible for, they make sure that the images of their massacres and torture circulate on social media. The following images are recent photos of civilians who were hacked to death while trying to flee with their belongings.

people fleeing the violence

M23 terrorize and mutilate women, men and children

AFC, Alliance Fleuve du Congo,who are the latest acronym for M23,  have issued a Press Statement today stating  that they have taken Goma and secured Goma airport. They present themselves ( for the sake of the international community) as saviours of the Congolese from their government. They say they exist to protect Kinyarwandan speaking people.

At the time these statements were issued, this was not fact but fake news. The video is from Rwandan media and shows live coverage of the bombing and gun-fire on Goma from the Rwandan border indicating that neither Goma nor Goma airport were secured by Rwanda -M23 at the time.

The AFC are the epitome , as is the Kagame regime, of the word specious. They are the same as the Western backed Islamic extremist terrorist groups that plague the civilized Muslim world and who the Western media present as the `good guys`.

The BBC published this article today which is both psychologically pre-emptive and fake news at the time of publication.

The DRC government closed Goma airport as a safety measure because of the amount of shelling it is receiving from the Rwandan side of the border and because Rwanda have been distorting GPS signals from the satellite which covers the area.

The object of the current exercise is not for Rwanda to gain control of Goma for any length of time but to facillitate enough human suffering, death and mutilation as to warrant an international humanitarian, R2P-style, humanitarian intervention which will call for further mediation and result in land allocation to Rwanda.




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