re posted from BLACK AGENDA REPORT
Rwanda Advances Toward Annexing DRC’s Kivu Provinces with the West’s Tacit Blessing
by Ann Garrison 22 Jan 2025
On Obama’s 2009 Inauguration Day, the Congrès national pour la défense du peuple (CNDP)—a Rwandan militia—was “integrated” into the Congolese army. This was a de facto concession of territory to longtime US/EU ally Rwanda, which the US State Department applauded.
The CNDP renamed itself the March 23 Movement (M23) and started fighting again three years later, in 2012, horrifying the world with their atrocities as the CNDP had. They said they hadn’t gotten all they’d been promised and resumed Rwanda’s expansionist project. Some members of M23 were reporting to Uganda, but Rwanda led the aggression, a gross violation of DRC’s sovereignty that the world has tolerated for the past 30 years.
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