Nigerian Journalist Exposes UK NGO’s Hit-Job Attempt on Africa’s Biggest Refinery

The role of green NGO`s is NOT to protect nature but to keep African economies unindustrialized. This is yet more proof

Source: African Stream

Nigerian Journalist Exposes UK NGO’s Hit-Job Attempt on Africa’s Biggest Refinery

19 August 2024

When Nigerian journalist David Hundeyin received a commission from a UK NGO to write about Nigeria’s newest and biggest oil refinery in the context of climate change, he smelt a rat. Perusing the guidelines they’d sent him, it quickly became apparent that they’d as good as written the article for him already – and just needed his name. In this exclusive interview with African Stream’s William Sakawa, the West African Weekly reporter explains what was really going on, and expertly elaborates on how environmental concerns – however noble in and of themselves – are used to wage economic war against Africa. It’s a wide-ranging discussing that we’re sure you’ll get something out of – and that we’d love you to join in the comments.


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