by PD Lawton 30 January 2025
Liberate Rwanda from a False Cultural Identity
“Dr. Jean-Marie Vianney Higiro’s extensive exploration of the Banyarwandan Doctrine unveils a complex and insidious ideology that has left an indelible mark on the Great Lakes region of Africa. Through his critical analysis, Dr. Higiro delves into the roots, manifestations, and far-reaching consequences of a hegemonic worldview that seeks to unify all Kinyarwanda-speaking people under a singular political and cultural umbrella. This ideology, he argues, serves as both a mechanism of expansionism and a driver of persistent conflict in the region.”
The Banyarwandan Doctrine: A Supremacist Ideology Undermining Stability in the Great Lakes Region of Africa
( Read original article by Dr. Jean-Marie Vianney Higiro on this website :
New Year`s Message to the Rwandan Youth: The Banyarwandan Doctrine, A Specious and Insidious Supremacist and Hegemonic Ideology : In the Defense of the Rights of the Banyarwanda or Kinyarwanda Speaking People
Liberate Rwanda from the inter-married dynastic Ruling Elite
Rwanda is ruled over by a minority clan that is descended from the Tutsi monarchy who ruled Ruanda-Urundi through a state of feudal oppression. The leadership in Rwanda are all related.
Important positions such as the military commanders and key senior civilian positions are selected form the old aristocratic lineages.
Image: Yolande Makolo
Yolande Makolo is the grand daughter of Chief Kayihura, the Prime Minister of the Rwandan Government in exile after the Rwandan social revolution of 1959. She is the current face of Rwanda and spokesperson for the government.
Image: Wikipedia: Paul Kagame
Paul Kagame is Rutagambwa’s son, a descendant of Rwakagara
Image: Wikipedia : Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame, wife of Paul Kagame
Jeannette Nyiramongi is Chief Murefu’s daughter
Image: Wikipedia : Aloisea Inyumba at the UNCTAD XIII High Level Event on Women in Development, April 2012
Aloysia Inyumba is Chief Kayumba’s daughter
One Hundred Days of Genocide, Forever :The Rwanda Genocide Industry and the Cult of the Toothpick King (Revisited)
Liberate Rwanda from Sham Democracy
Rwanda is not a democracy. It is a brutal dictatorship under Paul Kagame who is the de-facto President for Life . Paul Kagame has been in power for 25 years. Rwandan democracy is a sham.
Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza has been fighting for the establishment of genuine democracy and respect for human rights and rule of law in Rwanda for over a decade
Liberate Rwanda from its hell hole of its prisons
“Rwanda is like one giant prison with multiple prisons inside.” Conditions in Rwandan prisons are utterly monstrous. Political prisoners are subjected to routine physical and psychological torture. There are rumours that the unimaginable is taking place inside Rwanda involving medical experiments in underground facilities.
This is `Uncle Jack`who is said to enjoy torture
Major General Jack Nziza
Former RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front )General Secretary and former Rwandan ambassador to the United States , Dr Theogene Rudasingwa, has attested to the lack of human rights in Rwanda. Dr Rudasingwa who was a Major in the RPA ( Rwandan Patriotic Army)at the time of the genocide gave evidence in 2013 in Spain relating to charges of genocide and war crimes committed by the RPA.
Liberate Rwanda from Paul Kagame
Liberate Rwanda from Religious Intolerance
Kagame has recently ordered over 4000 Christian churches to be closed on the basis that they do not meet health and safety standards. In truth, churches are the last refuge for the vast majority of Rwandans who live under this regime
Liberate Rwanda from its Evil Judicial system
Prosecuting the families and friends of dissidents and activists in exile is one of the ways the Kagame regime keeps control
Rwanda: My Sister Beatrice Munyenyezi’s Trial – A Perfect Example of the Political Culture of Deception
Liberate Rwanda from Barbarity
Singer Kizito Mihigo was tortured to death in 2020 for calling to an end of the indoctrination of hatred and blame for the genocide in 1994
Liberate Rwanda from Conscription
How many conscripted RDF ( Rwandan Defence Force) soldiers have been used as canon fodder in DRC up to this point and continuing? Satellite footage shows mass graves in Rwanda used to bury military dead. Extremely poor rural Rwandans are conscripted into the RDF. Footage taken by Congolese authorities of captured RDF solders taken as POWs show shockingly young and emmaciated men.
Liberate Rwanda from its criminal allies
Paul Kagame is the close friend of some of the most notoriously criminal Western leaders, men like Bill Clinton and Tony Blair. Tony Blair lied to the British Parliament about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Bill and Hillary Clinton are so mired in scandals of extreme criminality, it is difficult to know where to start
Psyops Regarding 1994 Rwanda Genocide Continues With 30th Anniversary Commemoration
Liberate Rwanda from the Lie of its History
Message to the Rwandan Youth on the 30th Anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide
Message to the Rwandan Youth on the 30th Anniversary of the Rwanda Genocide
Liberate Rwanda from Lack of Free Speech
Image: John Williams Ntwali
Will the Death of Yet Another Opponent of Rwandan Strongman Paul Kagame Prompt a Suspension of U.S. Foreign Aid to Rwanda?
Liberate Rwanda from the Grinding Machine
Image: Keith Harmon Snow and Paul Rusasabegina in Chicago
The Emancipation of the Rwandan People
“Proclamations about JUSTICE and LIBERTY and TRUTH and FREEDOM and UNITY and declarations of TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION are all very wonderful sounding. We can see what Paul Kagame has done with these, and what a huge facade they are in the context of modern Rwanda 1994 to the present day. If these terms are to have any meaning, beyond their deployment as empty patriotic slogans, there needs to be something else included in the mix.
Until we forgive, we do not love. And more than anything else in the world, love is in need of love today.”
Quote from
Keith Harmon Snow’s Speech During the GREX International Convention in Paris 2023