Good bye Keith Harmon Snow
by PD Lawton, 3 January 2025
Keith died in early December. He had been ill for some months and had struggled to get good medical treatment.
I didn`t think he would die just yet. I thought he, being Keith, would resurrect like a phoenix and come back to fight the good fight to its end. But there will never be an end, will there Keith?
I thought he would be here to nail the final nail into Paul Kagame`s coffin.
We will have to try and carry the torch without you now, Keith. But it will be heavier with one less to carry it now that you have swum off into the biggest ocean of all.
Did you come into this world and leave it a better place?
You lit fires in places where there were no fires. You lit fires in the darkest of places , in places where everything conspires to maintain utter darkness. And you never let those fires go out. Now one burns in my mind because of that.
You lit a fire in Rwanda.
You lit it because you hated lies and injustice. And you spoke up for the sea of people mowed down, raped down, macheted down, tortured down and buried in the utter darkness of lies. As you said, killed in the “coldest of blood”.
You wrote about the liars, the lying machine of the Western media, the lying machine that feeds The Grinding Machine. All those clean looking Western journalists and academics and lawyers and intelligence assets, and think tanks and policy makers who nurture and feed and sacrifice their souls to the Greater Hegemonic Order, to the strategic security of the Greater Hegemonic Order of the Corporate Empire to feed it with minerals.
Congolese minerals.
We won`t go quietly into the night, now you have gone. That was the thing about you, your passion for life. You really were a Conscious Being
Good bye Keith Harmon Snow