Goma, Eastern DRC : In Times of Chaos Confusion Reigns

Goma, Eastern DRC : In Times of Chaos Confusion Reigns

by PD Lawton    1 Febuary 2025

There is a war in eastern Congo. As the President Trump- negotiated ceasefire in Gaza holds and the public grow weary of the money laundering exercise that is the Ukraine, the craven mass media, addicted to sowing confusion, addicted to airing a blood drenched world on its Horror TV, turns its robotic head towards the next theatre of gore, Goma in North Kivu.

Keeping within the limited parameters of confusion, it parades as many actors as it can find to each tell a different story and thereby to obfuscate the simple truth. That simple truth is this war has cost at least 10-12 million lives and has been on-going since the late 1990s. The reason it has lasted for nearly 30 years is that, in the words of Major General Eeben Barlow :

Perhaps it`s because the UN doesn`t like the conflicts to end.”

The craven media present terrorists as victimized minorities clinging to peace negotiating tables while their victimized forces disembowel, mutilate, torture and rape as all practiced terrorists do. Practised terrorists such as Corneille Nangaa who fronts AFC (Alliance Fleuve du Congo) which is M23.


The war story of Congo goes as such : a victimized minority , very small minority group, of Kinyarwandan [1]speaking Congolese( one could say Congolese Tutsi ) are fighting for their survival in the mineral drenched east of DRC. They are known today (in the past they had other names and their identity is now being transferred to the `peace-loving` AFC ( Alliance Fleuve du Congo)) as M23.

M23 are and always have been the creation of Paul Kagame`s Rwanda at the behest of Britain, America and Israel.

We must continue to believe that this small minority have withstood the military force of Africa`s second largest country, the DRC. We must continue to believe that the ninth smallest country ( poor little Rwanda)  is not the aggressor and that too the military forces of the DRC are not capable of protecting its borders against a country that is 26,798 km2 compared to the DRC that is larger than Western Europe at 2,344,858 km2.

Clearly something else is going on.

When 13 South African peace-keepers are killed, the narrative taken by the South African arm of the mass media is that South Africa must withdraw its forces.

The craven South African media do not discuss South Africa`s role in harboring the `Ugandan` ADF ( Allied Democratic Forces ) , terrorists that have rendered Ituri Province of Eastern DRC lawless.

Nor do they question how well trained are the SANDF. Nor do they question how the peace-keepers met their deaths

The role of the media is to continue obfuscating any truth.

Rwanda as it is under Paul Kagame, performs as a base for Western intelligence; it is after all a military outpost of the corporate empire whose role is to destabilize the Great Lakes much in the same way Israel is deployed to destabilize the Middle East. The intelligence agencies flood the international media with disinformation coming from Rwandan social media accounts, government, and regional media. While Kagame is allowed to hold court, communications between the DRC government and South Africa are completely drowned out. As South Africa obediently follows the Western model we can only wonder if indeed there are any communications between Kinshasa and South Africa. How much support has South African Forein Affairs given to their dignified and highly reasoned DRC counterpart?


The failure of DRC and South African troops in the recent M23 advance on Goma and Bakavu clearly illustrates the role played by mass media in such a campaign. How was the capturing of Goma even possible?

Major General Eeben Barlow founder of the private military contractor, Executive Outcomes, which has a track record of zero failure in ending insurgencies and wars across the continent for the past several decades, has witnessed the process through which these conflicts have been purposefully re-ignited by foreign corporate interests or as in the case of DRC, left unresolved despite the multiple billions of dollars poured into peace-keeping missions such as MONUSCO. His publications including War on Africa,   Composite Warfare and Human Intelligence, lay out the critical role the media plays in any conflict or war. Why does no one listen? Why does no one speak to him to understand the tenants of modern warfare in Africa?

While M23 are trained by the RDF (Rwandan Defense Force) who are funded by the EU and trained by US, French and Israeli forces, the DRC government choose to train FARDC ( Armed Forces of the DRC)with the non-expertise of a Romanian private military company. Why did they do that? Because elements within the DRC government were advised to choose the inept non-solution so that aided by the contrived ineptitude of MONUSCO, this war can continue ad infinitum.


[1] see article on this website which analizes the evolution of Kagame`s Banyarwandan doctrine : New Year`s Message to the Rwandan Youth : The Banyarwandan Doctrine, a Specious, Insiduous Hegemonic Order`

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