Recent technical workshop held in Addis,12-14th December 2023, to discuss success of flagship projects, challenges and needs such as railway technical skills training in universities.Eric Ntagengerwa from the African Union talked to Philippa Dean
Category Archives: Ethiopia
Live in the Future to Foster Regional Integration With Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa
re posted from AFRICA AND THE WORLD
Live in the Future to Foster Regional Integration With Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa
January 16, 2024
Let us work to make the Horn of Africa and East Africa a model … Read the rest
GERD Talks Must Shift To Higher Level: Developing the Nile Basin
The colonial mentality has to give way to the mandate for development
re posted from AFRICA AND THE WORLD
GERD Talks Must Shift To Higher Level: Developing the Nile Basin

Lawrence Freeman being interviewed by the Ethiopian Herald on Dec 23, 2023 about the 4th round of talks on the
Talk To OBN : South African Nuclear Physicist Dr Kemm Talks with Addis Assefa : COP28 Fossil Fuels and Green Finance!
“We don`t want to find ourselves in a debt situation, where we become slaves. Bear in mind Ethiopia is the one country in Africa that was never colonized. Don`t let yourselves get colonized now.”
“I would encourage your Prime Minister, your Cabinet, your country to stand up against some of … Read the rest
Connecting the Dots: The Strategic Value of Africa with Lawrence Freeman
Matt Ehret talks to Africa expert Lawrence Freeman about the Horn of Africa, the British manipulation of wars in on the Continent and a pathway towards peace
Source: Canadian Patriot Press
Connecting the Dots: The Strategic Value of Africa with Lawrence Freeman
Matt Ehret talks to Africa … Read the rest
“Ethiopian Seaport is Win-Win for East African Nations”: Physical Economic Analyst Freeman
re posted from AFRICA AND THE WORLD
“Ethiopian Seaport is Win-Win for East African Nations”: Physical Economic Analyst Freeman
November 19, 2023
In my interview above with OBN (11/6/2023), I discuss the importance of understanding the concept of physical economy to competently analyze the future of the Horn of Africa. … Read the rest
Economic Development Can Bring Peace to the Horn of Africa
re posted from AFRICA AND THE WORLD
Economic Development Can Bring Peace to the Horn of Africa

October 31, 2023
Horn Leaders Urged to Consider Ethiopia’s
… Read the restEthiopia`s Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) Supplies Ethiopia- Kenya- Tanzania Integrated Energy Pool
Ethiopia began exporting electricity to Kenya in November 2022. The electricity comes from GERD
The connectivity project consists of a 510-kilometer power line where a total of 414 kilometers are located in Tanzania and the remaining 96 kilometers are located in the neighboring country of … Read the rest
Xi meets Ethiopian PM
re posted from XINHUANET
(BRF2023) Xi meets Ethiopian PM
Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 17, 2023. Abiy Ahmed is in Beijing to attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International … Read the rest
The Kissinger Report, a Frontal Attack Against African Populations
Why is there still so much poverty in Africa? The Malthusian doctrine devised by Henry Kissinger to keep Africans suffering and for the survivors of poverty and war, there is birth control by one way or another. Henry Kissinger acts for the Western oligarchy. Subtitles in English on Nathalie Yamb`s … Read the rest