Category Archives: Angola

Africa`s Historic Day : January 1, 2021

Africa`s Historic Day : January 1, 2021

by PD Lawton   6 January 2021

We have to take active steps to dismantle the colonial economic model that we inherited and that we sustained over the last 50 years . We have to stop being exporters of primary products to countries Read the rest

Hunger Stalks Africa: Nations Should be Food Self-Sufficient

Food self-sufficiency, which is a national security priority, in this age of out sized and exaggerated globalization, has worsened in the majority of African nations over the last several decades. Not only does this jeopardize the health and existence of society, but it drains nation’s foreign reserves with mega-food import Read the rest

Pompeo’s Africa Trip Had No Purpose But To Attack China

re posted from                                      EIR Daily Alert Service

Pompeo’s Africa Trip Had No Purpose But To Attack China

Feb. 22 (EIRNS)—Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s just-completed visits to three African countries appear completely self-defeating, visits which discredit the United States across the African continent. Pompeo’s trip to Ethiopia, Senegal, and … Read the rest

L’Angola à l’heure des nouvelles technologies

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L’Angola à l’heure des nouvelles technologies

Au stand d’Angosat avec le nano-satellite CanSat 100% Made in Angola

J’ai été invité à Luanda, la capitale angolaise, pour le Forum ANGOTIC 2019 sur les Technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), du 18 au 20 juin. Cet événement

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African High-Speed Rail Finance Requires LaRouche Four-Power Pact

re posted from                                  EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW


This article appears in the June 28, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

African High-Speed Rail Finance Requires LaRouche Four-Power Pact


Nigeria Railway Corporation
Nigeria is bustling with railway construction, including new standard gauge lines,
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Schiller Institute’s Sébastien Périmony Goes to Ivory Coast & Angola

re posted from                                  THE SCHILLER INSTITUTE

Schiller Institute’s Sébastien Périmony Goes to Ivory Coast & Angola

Schiller Institute’s Sébastien Périmony Goes to Ivory Coast & Angola

by Sébastien Périmony, @SebPerimony  

Saturday, June 15, 2019, a conference on the New Silk Road was held at the headquarters of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny … Read the rest

In Africa, the Belt and Road Is Generally Spurring Socio-Economic Development

re posted from                                         AFRICA AND THE WORLD

In Africa, the Belt and Road Is Generally Spurring Socio-Economic Development

May 12, 2019

The Belt and Road strategy of international cooperation already up and running and phenomenally redrawing the global development map. With outlaying economic corridors and tremendous added value it is … Read the rest

How the Belt and Road Initiative is Changing Africa

re posted from                                     The Schiller Institute

How the Belt and Road Initiative is Changing Africa

Panel II

The second panel of the conference was devoted to changes spawned by the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), as the only humane way to deal with the refugee crisis. Introductory remarks were … Read the rest

Africa`s Potential Brilliant Future

The Schiller Institute development report Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia and Africa  is available for purchase – an incredible amazing vision for Africa !!!!!

Get your copy HERE:

 … Read the rest

China Brings the NEW PARADIGM to Africa

China Brings the NEW PARADIGM to Africa

by PD Lawton, 26 April 2018

Source: CGTN , published 10 March 2018

In 2015 the first China-Africa Cooperation Forum was held in Johannesburg, South Africa at which President Xi Jinping proposed a 10 point plan for China-Africa win-win development within the Chinese Read the rest