Bill Cooper is one of the great whistleblowers, mowed down by the FBI in front of his family, he was in the US Navy and was exposed to high level intelligence which led him to devote the remainder of his life to warning the public
Source: OccultAgenda
Bill Cooper, Mystery Babylon – Hour 14 – The Skull and Bones.
28 April 2012
This is the complete series. All music has been edited out of this version. This practically have no influence on the understanding of this series, and will save you hours in the end. Originally the series is 43 hours long, but with removed pauses, and removed talk about out-dated meetings, I have saved you around 4-5 hours. Apart from that, nothing has been touched, and is presented here as it was in The Hour of The Time radio show, hosted by William (Bill) Cooper. You might want to keep a pencil and paper to hand. Try to listen to all the lectures in order. Otherwise you will fail to fully comprehend latter episodes . It’s hard to explain what it’s all really about, but all you have to do to find out, is watch it all in it’s entirety. You will not regret it.