re posted from AFRICA AND THE WORLD
America’s Self-Interest is to Generously Assist in Development of Africa
November 12, 2024
The African continent with its projected population of 2.4 billion in the next twenty-five years, will be the center of commerce on the planet. It is in America’s interest to help African nations achieve substantially higher rates of economic growth.
The root cause of virtually all the conflicts ongoing in Africa are the result of underdevelopment, despite having different circumstances and triggers. The continued expansion of poverty on the African continent, especially among the sub-Saharan nations, is the primary cause of unrest. Desperate, hungry, impoverished people fighting for scraps to merely survive leads to instability and conflict. The U.S., since the death of John Kennedy, has failed to join African nations in advancing their economies by investing massively in infrastructure. If the trillions of dollars spent on USAID and countered terrorism, was turned into long term-low interest loans or outright grants for infrastructure African nations would be more peaceful and prosperous.
The African continent is the least industrialized and has the largest deficit in density of infrastructure per land area and per capita. Africa today produces 1.9 percent of the world’s manufactured goods. This pitiful amount of manufacturing activity contributes to its unmatched levels of poverty. Africa’s vast uncultivated land can feed Africa and other parts of the world, if sufficient expansion in electricity, railroads, roads, and irrigation were undertaken.
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America’s Self-Interest is to Generously Assist in Development of Africa