Monthly Archives: October 2022

Chinese Built Railway Can`t Break Even in 50 Years – Kenyan Transport Minister

re posted from                         RAILBUS

“African countries are not just grappling with Chinese debt repayment, because African countries overall owe more to private sector creditors than to China,” he said. They are “having to juggle debt repayment to all their creditors, including Chinese creditors.”

Of the $696 billion owed by African Read the rest

OIC, African Group Revive Dakar-Port Sudan Railway Project

re posted from                                       RAILBUS

“Ambassador Hameed Opeloyeru, the then OIC Assistant Secretary General for Economic Affairs, announced an alliance with the African Union as the sponsor of the Dakar-Djibouti transport project, which is similar to the OIC scheme.”

“The Dakar-Port Sudan railroad project, which OIC unveiled during the Islamic Summit … Read the rest

“Stopping Ethiopia from Entering the Era of Industrialization”- Mekki Elmograbi

Seasoned Sudanese academic and journalist, Mekki Elmograbi talks to OBN Future Africa on the manufacturing of war on Ethiopian soil in order to stop Ethiopians going forward with industrialization of their economy. Excellent interview

Source: OBN Oromiyaa [ Oromia Broadcasting Network]

Future Africa

12 October 2022… Read the rest

Bankers terrified of competition with POs / D-day for London speculators

China has now over taken the City of London/ IMF as the world`s biggest creditor. It gives loans for real projects i.e infrastructure, the physical economy. The IMF give loans which are soft power initiatives based on conditionalities which destroy real economic growth, that lead to austerity and privatization only … Read the rest

South Africa: The Unseen Massacre of Durban Shack Dwellers

re posted from                        MAIL AND GUARDIAN

The unseen massacre of Durban shack dwellers

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Nigerian Water Minister Promotes Transaqua–A Water Project to Save Lake Chad & Transform Africa

re posted from                               AFRICA AND THE WORLD

The U.S. rejects Transaqua because it rejects development. The U.S. refuses to build infrastructure in Africa, the single most crucial element to address Africa’s massive energy and transportation needs, and create economic growth. Since the death of President John Kennedy, the concept of

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