Category Archives: Uncategorised

Nuclear Energy Can Eliminate Poverty in Africa

Nuclear Energy Can Eliminate Poverty in Africa

by PD Lawton , 19 September 2021

image: transmission lines. Dailyenergyinsider

Energy poverty sustains poverty because electricity is the foundation of all economic development

Africa suffers from an acute energy deficit. Electricity consumption correlates directly with a nation`s standard of living. Electricity is … Read the rest

Qui Bono ?

Source: The Why

Stealing Africa⎜WHY POVERTY?⎜(Documentary)

Rüschlikon is a village in Switzerland with a very low tax rate and very wealthy residents. But it receives more tax revenue than it can use. This is largely thanks to one resident – Ivan Glasenberg, CEO of Glencore, whose copper mines in Zambia Read the rest

Bereket Simon : l’avenir de l’Éthiopie à l’ère de la Nouvelle route de la soie

re posted from                        SOLIDARITE ET PROGRES

Bereket Simon : l’avenir de l’Éthiopie à l’ère de la Nouvelle route de la soie

Voici la transcription et la video de l’intervention de M. Bereket Simon, PDG de la Banque commerciale éthiopienne et conseiller du Premier ministre, lors
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