Category Archives: DRC

Actualités RDC: Amb. Zénon Mukongo Ngay du RD Congo a dit la vérité au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU

There are many ethnicities in Congo, all living in harmony. The Tutsi community in the east are being used by Kagame, as a pretext for Rwandan military presence.

Source: Africa Flashes

1. Remise en cause de la logique de Kagame : Pourquoi, sous ce régime, nous retrouvons-nous dans une logique Read the rest

MORE EVIDENCE : RWANDA IS THE AGGRESSOR IN DRC :63 Rwandan Troops Captured fighting for M23 in Congo. RDF Troops in Congo


Rwandan military on rotational 1 month operations in Congo. There is no such thing as M23. M23 ARE THE PROFESSIONAL RWANDAN ARMY. Look at this Rwandan POW , he is half starved, a Rwandan from rural Rwanda conscripted to fight in Congo. … Read the rest

Paul Kagame: Made in America, Britain and Israel

Paul Kagame:  Made in America, Britain and Israel

Conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa – Origins and Solutions:

Presentation given by Keith Harmon Snow, Oslo, 24 October 2016

Keith Harmon Snow : Regent’s Lecturer in Law and Society at the University of California Santa Barbara, writer, photographer, war Read the rest