Monthly Archives: February 2019

China is NOT Exploiting Africa, But Investing in its Future: The Case of Nigeria

re posted from                                        Africa and the World

China is NOT Exploiting Africa, But Investing in its Future: The Case of Nigeria

China is NOT Exploiting Africa, But Investing in its Future: The Case of Nigeria

18 February 2019

The article below, “Nigeria’s balanced and diverse relationship with China is Read the rest

The Conspiracy to Diminish Eskom

The Conspiracy to Diminish Eskom

by PD Lawton    18 February 2019

South African labour unions and certain political parties have been campaigning vociferously against the unbundling of Eskom. Unbundling is a new term for privatization. Outrage against Ramaphosa`s proposal to sell off the power stations and split the utility into … Read the rest

City of London Haiti Drug Route Erupts

re posted from                        LEFTHOOK BY DEAN HENDERSON

City of London Haiti Drug Route Erupts

While the Crown-controlled US establishment continues to ratchet up the pressure on the twice-elected Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro, people living in the poorest country in the western hemisphere are calling for

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First Strike by Eskom`s Privatization Squad : Sell Off the Power Stations

First Strike by Eskom`s Privatization Squad : sell off the power stations

“which is the biggest mistake they could make”

Interview with Adil Nchabeleng of Transform RSA

” Half the people sitting on that particular task team have an interest in buying Eskom`s power stations”

What does it mean to … Read the rest

BLF’s cases against Maria Ramos who admits to Absa’s manipulation of the currency

re posted from                                 Black Opinion

BLF’s cases against Maria Ramos who admits to Absa’s manipulation of the currency

By BO Staff Writer

Recent news of Maria Ramos admitting to ABSA’s role in the manipulation of the currency is not new. She has already in February 2017 apologized for Absa’s

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